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Beware Of Fraud Debt Discharge Gurus

BREAKING: Leaked audio of testimony from Alliant Credit Union CEO Dennis Devine from lower court proceedings: 

Supreme Court of the United States

Zachary Moore v. Alliant Credit Union et al.

Opinion of the Court by the voice of Justice Alito

Delivered January 14, 2025




A ZILLION people sent this to me.

This video and blog make excellent points about the fraud money and mortgage system.


People signed the contract.

They don't know what they're signing.

1. They don't know what a negotiable instrument is.

2. They don't know the components of the negotiable instrument.

3. They don't know that the once they are separated, THAT'S where the fraud happened.

4. They don't know the contract lacks the 8 parts of a LAWFUL contract because they hire an attorney and deal in the LEGAL WORLD.

Legal is what you agree to.

5. That's where the 1872 Carpenter v Longan ruling comes into play. (Lawful)

Here is where it gets very interesting.

Here is why I'm screaming to you on X daily.




5. You cannot hire a BAR CARD attorney and take this to a state court and expect anything resembling justice to take place.

6. A court not being real, means that state courts are literally just private corporations using Article I of the Constitution, which is NOT JUDICIAL, they are MUNICIPAL.

In the way back Time Machine, they used to call what are now "judges", "hearing administrators".

Now they dress up the Article I Administrative room and put on the robe costume and trick the public into believing they have authority.

(Listen up J6-ers)

7. You will never win a fraud mortgage case in a state municipal statutory court because the legal entity has no rights!

8. You must take them to task using a Federal Common Law claim because YOU the man or woman have private rights.

Private rights DO NOT EXIST in municipal Article I statutory courts. Never. Ever. Stop It. They Don't.

9. There is no book nor curriculum that teaches how to craft a common law claim so I'm creating it.

Scott IS a law school grad.

Scott chose not to join the statutory BAR CARD demonic club because he is all about RIGHTS.

Why do I call it demonic?

Because it is!

They wear the black robes.

They specifically set out to violate the rights of their fellow man.

Our rights come from the God of Heaven and if you're not for God, you're against him.

Scott cracked the common law code about a decade ago and has been perfecting it ever since.

10. BAR CARD attorneys, including those are revered as "constitutional", such as dopey Mark Levin, dopey Allan Dershowitz, and the not yet awake John Eastman, who is trying hard but not there yet, but I commend his bravery, think common law courts and claims do not exist.

Well then why does Scott have over 200 cases across the country and why do some judges have Article III in their bios on the websites????🤔

BAR CARD attorneys do not know this, do not learn this. and do not give a shit about private rights.

I went to the John Eastman documentary at Mar-A-Lago a few weeks ago and the panel discussion was complaining about what is wrong with the BAR! 🤣

They don't even know the legal entities have no private rights!

Justice Gorsuch knows!

I know.

Scott knows.

Now YOU know!

This fake video going around "Zachary Moore v. Alliant Credit Union et al" is a brilliant piece of marketing.

But would you trust a guy who put out a piece of false information?

PS he sells some debt discharge nonsense.

Debt "discharge" is statutory nonsense.

I can credit the video with a bit of waking people up, that there IS fraud in mortgages.

But it's a GOLIATH.

You won't take it down in state courts.

You can't just go to the Supreme Court and file a case.

It has to come up through the ranks unless it's a grand exception of something between states.

We're taking it down using common law and their own UCC against them.

Scott created our process with what God put into his brain and it evolves constantly.

Every roadblock they put up, we only sharpen our tools and they can't keep up.

They cannot ever make lawful what is unlawful and once the note and contract were separated, that contract IS OVER.

So if you want to be a part of this battle, if you have the warrior spirit, then join our Inalienable University.

We teach you how to remove government fockery from your lives and how to exercise your rights.

You demand them.

You don't ASK civil servants for them.

Follow me to freedom!

Gianna & Scott


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