The Supreme Court in 2024 has made profound rulings that are catastrophic to the United States (corporate) fake de-facto government.
The Supreme Court is all that stands between "We The People" and the rules, codes, and statutes that violate the rights of the people in every traffic stop and courtroom every single day across this country.
Recently the Supreme Court struck down the Biden administration’s attempt to mandate the Education Department’s Title IX rule to include transgenders by allowing them in locker rooms sports, etc.
In the SEC v Jarkesy, they invalidated every court in this nation, as they all operate as administrative/admiralty courts that enforce statutes, which was the very reason the colonies fought the revolutionary war. That means that to take you to court requirs a contract to do business with you.
The Supreme Court in Jarkesy reaffirmed that actions involving private rights, such as common-law fraud, must be heard by an Article III court: "Congress cannot 'conjure away the Seventh Amendment by mandating that traditional legal claims be... taken to an administrative tribunal." SEC v. Jarkesy, 603 U.S. (2024)
Judge Gorsuch issued a scathing Supreme Court ruing in the SEC v Jarkesy, that the British attempted to evade American cries by siphoning adjudication to juryless admiralty, vice admiralty, and chancery courts.
In the Bruin and Loper Bright cases, they struck down gun possession restrictions and made it clear that all government agencies have no power to override the Constitution, as any enforcement of a statute or rule must be in alignment with our nations history.
This means that in order to enforce their statues, the government must prove that said statutes existed at the time the constitution was adopted, thereby, being in line with our nations history which means....the Constitution is coming back to life!
Did President Donald Trump have these conversations in private when he made his greatest contribution to the United States Of America Republic with these three Supreme Court picks?
We can only speculate!
"The people are sovereign", so says Justice Gorsuch all over mainstream TV on his latest book tour.
So to those making "sovereign citizen" accusations at me, tell it to the Supreme Court as they've already spoken about this.
To learn more about how these rulings enhance your freedom by protecting your rights, join the Inalienable.University.
Gianna Miceli
Scott Bernard