Let's blow up all this NONSENSE about PROBATE and so called PRIVATE, Irrevocable, situs, foreign, "TRUSTS".
All those names are simply MARKETING BS that attorneys label their useless pieces of paper where they allegedly protect your property.
1. PROBATE is a government scam with a fancy name so they can TAX AND TAKE what you think you own.
Where do they get the jurisdiction to do so?
You gave it to them when you register and record what you own with the county and state.
You have no obligation to do that!
The Inalienable University will teach you how to remove those contracts that lacked full disclosure of the terms, cuz those terms are that you donated what you pay for TO THE STATE.
Probate is just their fancy name for TAXING AND TAKING.
Anything you do with licensed BAR CARD agents of the state, such as attorneys and notaries, makes your actions PUBLIC.
We teach you how to live IN THE PRIVATE.
It's lawful, it's legal, it's moral, and I 100% bet it's WHAT YOU WOULD PREFER if you only had the knowledge about what IT means.
The state and county do not know what we own.
@RudyGiuliani ought to be paying attention since he just got hammered in his BS state suit that he owes those women all his possessions.
Rudy wake up.
You got scammed by your law degree as did your son @AndrewHGiuliani
We can save you from losing it all in about 60 days.
Follow us to freedom!