Every day in every traffic court clerk's office across this great land and inside the courtroom, the rights of the people are being grotesquely violated and they're not even aware it's happening to them.
They just give in to the new law school grad prosecutor's offers to avoid court like the old game show,"Let's Make A Deal".
Just like "Let's Make A Deal", people in costumes make deals!
The prosecutors wear their suits to give the impression they are professionals.
The judges wear the black robes of authority as if they have special powers you do not have.
The bailiffs wear their security officer police type costumes to keep you in line.
Everyone plays their part in what is essentially an orchestrated act to circumvent our rights and steal our money while violating our rights.
But what is traffic court actually?
It's a private for profit corporation acting under the color of law to deprive you of your rights violating 18 USC 241 & 242 and nobody ever calls this out.
How is it a private for profit corporation?
They sell you stuff don't they?
You want to file anything?
That costs money.
You want copies of anything?
That costs money.
You received a traffic citation, where no person or property was harmed?
You have to pay us money to make your record clean.
But the big tell is that they all have DUNS numbers.
Dun & Bradstreet.
The holder of business credit information.
All of our government entities have them.
As per 28 USC 3002 (15); UCC 3-907; Clearfield Trust v. U.S., 318 U.S. 363-371, the government is restricted in authority and subject to the same burdens and rules as any private corporation.
That means they have to have a contract TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU.
But a LAWFUL contract requires both parties to consent to the full disclosure of the terms, and when people walk into the DMV to apply for a driver's license that they've been conditioned to believe they need in order to travel on the road in an automobile, they were not given the full terms of the contract.
The government can only regulate commerce. If you are not driving in commerce, you do not have to have a driver's license. Did they tell you that?
By signing the contract, you have give up your right to travel, which is under your first Amendment right to liberty. Did they tell you that? Would you have agreed to that if you knew?
You walk in, fill out the form, say cheese for the camera, and sign your signature next to their all caps legal entity. You agreed to a unilateral adhesion contract without full terms of the contract disclosed.
That's fraud.
Fraud vitiates the contract.
You've agreed to allow this corporation to rule you using their rules, codes, and statutes.
Consequently, ALL COURTSÂ are bound to interpret the constitution (Bill of Rights) in light of the law AS IT EXISTED AT THE TIME IT WAS ADOPTED. Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43; Mattox v. U.S., 156 U.S. 237,243; Davis v. Welcher, 263 U.S. 22, 24; Stromberb v. California, 283 U.S. 359; NAACP v. Alabama, 375 U.S. 449.
These rules of the road did not exist at the time the First Amendment was created therefore, they cannot be used against you without your consent.
Consent requires full discloure.
Passing a test and being issued a license, does not make me a better driver than the previous 15 minutes before I paid them money for their little plastic card.
The so called government cannot lawfully charge you for what is already your right.
So as a political statement to restore this country to what it should and could be, a Constitutional Republic of Common Law principles, we implore you to return that license if you do not need one to operate in commerce.
The license is a leash for them to control you.
Is that who you are?
What if the roads were filled with people driving in their private capacity, as is their right, and you saw private plates all over the road?
That's the American I dream about and teach you how to become a part of.
I do not participate in State ID.
I do not participate in registering my private automobile with the state, which essentially makes them the owner, and they give me usufruct ownership.
Usufruct is the right to use and benefit from a property, while the ownership of which belongs to another person.
They make you smog test every year right?
Sure! They want to make sure you're taking care of their property!
I paid for my private automobile with my sweat and toil.
It's mine.
And it's as free as I am.
To learn how to operate your life in the private, and how to exercise your God given rights, join Inalienable.University
Gianna Miceli
Scott Bernard