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Tips, Taxes, Trump & The Truth!

Why do you think that YOU are a taxpayer?

This is what "they're" saying:

"Former president Donald Trump’s plan to repeal the tax on Social Security benefits would lower taxes for US households by an average of $550, according to a new analysis by the Tax Policy Center.

But that tax cut would come with a big price: By reducing Social Security and Medicare hospital insurance (HI) revenues by $1.5 trillion over the next decade, Trump would drive both programs into insolvency faster, resulting in sharply reduced benefits for tens of millions of recipients."

How is this not so OBVIOUSLY A PONZI SCHEME?

  1. You have paid into Social Security with your money. That is not a benefit.

  2. This statement proves there is not an actual trust.

  3. The government is lying to you.

So back to my original question.

Why do YOU think YOU are a TAXPAYER?

What do you think makes you a taxpayer?

Because only taxpayers owe taxes.

Is it that you have a heartbeat?


Is it that you earn income?


Is it that you have a heartbeat, earn income, and are over the age of 18?


I earn income and I don't pay state nor federal income taxes and I quit in 1999 and I've never ever heard from the IRS since then.

Do you know why?

Because I am no longer a taxpayer.

So what makes you think you are a taxpayer?

Only because the very first time you were hired for a job, someone shoved a tax form in your face and you signed it because you were young, and you were playing follow the leader.

You lacked critical thinking skills to ask why you were filling out this form.

You lacked the knowledge to understand that it was a contract.

The ONLY thing that ever made you a TAXPAYER is that you filled out the form and signed it!

What makes you think that SSA income is different from server tips and that's different form how you acquire income?


It's all the same.

The money is not what is taxable.

The PERSON is taxable.

What is the PERSON?

It's the name on your Social Security Card.

That is not you.

It's the PERSONA created to do business with you.

And you the living man or woman are not the PERSON, that is the juridical name and the legal entity that is taxed and you never have to answer for that PERSON.

You just don't know how to do that.

All their charts and ratios are NONSENSE used to dumb you down and scare you away from knowing the truth and standing upon your right to private economic activity.

Then the big enchilada that you all lie about is the bottom line which says:

"You swear under penalty of perjury that you understand what you are signing."

Do you understand this form? No!

Did you pay a dopey CPA, trained by the IRS, to calculate your taxes FOR YOU?


Does it make any sense to you that you have to donate this money and then they call it a benefit later in your life?

So what is Trump doing by announcing tips and social security is going to be tax free when he is president again?

Because if he told the world they've been getting scammed for the last 100+ years, the world would blow up and he'd be called a dictator.

The taxation determination is not upon the arrival of the income or where it's derived from, but if the living man or woman has elected to the contract or not to BE a taxpayer.

Do you see that Trump is setting the field up to eliminate the IRS entirely for living men and women?

How did the country survive before taxes?


If you'd like to learn how to no longer BE a taxpayer, join Inalienable.University

I ESPECIALLY invite anyone on SSA to learn how to no longer BE a taxpayer slave.

Gianna Miceli

Scott Bernard


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