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Understanding the Difference Between a Republic and a Democracy: Why It Matters

Who's excited that the "Republic" is being restored?

But what is it exactly?

Where did the government come from?

Why do the politicians use the word "Democracy"?

It's on purpose and does not support the Republic.

It's a trick!

A Constitutional Republic protects the RIGHTS of all no matter who is in office.

A Democracy is mob rule.

It's unfathomable that today we have to choose states because of the amount of freedom they offer.

Let's break down the hierarchy of the government.




Rights are inherent from God.

Man made the government to protect them.

A Republic is a Re-Public.

A public AGAIN.

But what does that mean?

Public law vs PRIVATE RIGHTS.

The "acts" and "statutes" are only for corporations.

They do not pertain to living men and women.

Only living men and women have PRIVATE RIGHTS.

Ask Justice Gorsuch.

Read his books.

This education is not taught so they can keep the banking corruption, IRS corruption, and the statutory corruption enslaving us all.

Now that the Re-Public is being restored, please learn what it is, what it means.

You can't fix what you can't identify.

There is absolutely NOTHING you need permission from the government TO DO.

They just made it so you think you do!

Please remove the word "allow" from your vocabulary.

You know right from wrong.

The common law is common sense.

You know you can't harm people or their possessions.

People often write to me, "can I do this or that in this state"?

The state does not matter.

Your rights exist in every square inch of them.

A corporation CANNOT tell you what to do, or allow or not allow you ANYTHING.

You scream about parent's rights but you do not seek from where do "they" think they have authority over your children?

In their eyes, you gave it to them.

You just don't know you consented.

All governments are municipal corporations and as such require a contract that compels you to perform.

So stop contracting with them.

It's that simple.

They cannot make you vax, mask, or stay home.

"They" have no authority.

They try to intimidate you out of ignorance.

Listen to Scott tell his story.

He went to law school while in prison for six years because he was railroaded by the FBI.

There is no other man on earth who went to law school for the same reason Scott did.

He is the Robinhood of the law.

He was gifted with the sight to SEE....

1. Oh here are the CODES & STATUTES.

2. Oh here are the founding documents and true law.

3. Oh here is where things originated in the Bible.

4. Oh here is the UCC, where the real FOCKERY is.

5. Oh here is commercial and domestic banking statutes.

They have no idea who they messed with.

A man chosen by God to bring freedom back to your lives so that you could SEE HIM.

Do you think you were born to be enslaved by the Federal Reserve fraud banking system?

The IRS is a collection agency for the IMF for the Federal Reserve.

So while you're fretting about your taxes this month, does your soul itch that this is not right?

Why do right people pay less?

Why do poor people get benefits?

What about YOU?

Who's taking care of YOU?

God is!

We very specifically named our curriculum the Inalienable University.

Your rights are INALIENABLE.

You can stop complaining and learn how to stand.

When we all stand "they" fall.

It's simple math y'all.

You ready to support the Re-Public and do your part?

Or do you watch TV while Trump does his part?

Gianna & Scott


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