What did all the J6 "attorneys" do wrong?
Let's get to the root cause of how this happened.
Legal and lawful are not the same thing.
Illegal and unlawful are not the same thing.
What was done to these people was not ILLEGAL.
What was done to these people was 100% UNLAWFUL.
Please, I beg of you, to use the right words.
The words matter.
Legal is what you agree to.
I've seen a dozen of the J6 indictments.
They are a CNN level narratives CRAFTED by FBI agents, charging people with violating US Code.
US Code only applies to government employees.
So how did they get away with that?
By the creation of a legal entity.
If you AGREE (via ignorance) to answer for a legal entity, then you agreed to a contract.
You, the living man, will experience the detriment of the legal entity.
The unlawful indictments were merely OFFERS TO CONTRACT with private corporations acting and pretending to be government.
Dead corporation
This is why you have no rights in Article I courts.
Gianna Miceli = given name to a living woman.
The Law is the Common Law and it is the foundation of justice for living people.
1. Laws defend our Inalienable Rights.
2. Provide reparations to the injured
The Law is the definition of the People's power, and is Common Sense.
The Law protects living people from harm, loss, and fraud.
The J6-ers were charged with STATUTES.
Statutes are the en-act-ments of the Legislature that apply to publicly registered legal entities as franchises of the public State.
How are you registered?
1. State birth certificate
2. Driver's license
3. Social Security ID
Statutes offer limited “privileges and benefits” to “artificial persons” of various kinds, prescribing contract “rules and regulations” by consent.
Statutes can have the appearance, or “colour of law”.
Statutes govern legal entities as a franchise benefit to the public State.
Statutes are not Laws.
The Law is from the People.
Statutes are from the State.
Maxim of Law:
Quid fas non veritas est.
Legality is not Reality.
The difference between what is “lawful” and what is “legal” is a matter of "life and death".
What is lawful is for the living people.
What is legal is for dead corporate entities.
Legal = fiction
Statute = statue
Legislation = leg of a statue
Act = act of a statue
Let's stick with the non-violent people because there's many.
These indictments incriminate them via:
Oh you were there via geo phone tagging and selfies.
Charged people with being in the building.
How is that a crime?
It's the people's house.
We all saw the doors were opened.
People stayed in the velvet ropes.
We all know the antagonizers and fake window breakers were staged actors.
The officers escorted them into the chamber.
So what did the BAR CAR attorneys do wrong?
They can't EVER RE-PRESENT the living man's rights in court.
EVER. Just ask them!
They'll hang up on you.
When you sign a statement that you understand your rights, you consented to be UNDER their authority.
That's why they compel you to sign.
I could go on all day about that being a contract of fraud that lacks full disclosure.
Do they tell you, that you're waiving your rights by signing the Miranda warning? No.
You do not need to agree to your rights.
You simply exercise them.
2. When you contracted with the attorney, did they tell you that you waived your rights as a natural man? Nope.
3. You have a 6th Amendment right to PRIVATE COUNSEL. That does not mean one has to be a law school grad and bar card holder.
I could be your private counsel if we agree to contract.
But try to bring private counsel into an Article I Administrative Statutory court?
Haha! No chance!
YOU MUST BE A LICENSED BAR CARD HOLDER because it's their secret club of shit made up.
Licensed by the state.
Agent for the state.
Tool of the state.
4. You have a 7th Amendment right to a COMMON LAW JURY. It says that. COMMON LAW JURY.
A statutory jury is not the same as a common law jury.
Article I = Statutory
Article III = Common law Judiciary
As per the Constitution.
Read it.
When the J6-ers entered into contracts with BAR CARD attorneys, they answered for fictitious legal entities who consented to enter Article I Statutory Administrative PROCEEDINGS they never had to enter or agree to.
What should have happened, was a challenge to jurisdiction via an affidavit to the court (what is the court??? just a building used by a private corporation)
Then the prosecutor would have had to prove they had the authority over the living man.
That means they had to respond, via an affidavit and under penalty of perjury what they claim.
They can't. So they don't.
What should have happened, is that all DEMANDED their 7th Amendment right to a COMMON LAW jury.
Ask your BAR CARD TOOL of the state why they didn't do that????
The court never had jurisdiction over the living men.
Who brings forth a claim against me?
Who signed an affidavit under penalty of perjury claiming I harmed them?
The FBI agents signed under penalty of perjury, that they collected evidence of geo phone tagging and selfies.
They were not harmed.
There was no victim (non violent remember).
If J6ers struck officers or damaged property, that has to be judged as per the situation, self defense, etc, but via Article III, not Article I.
The crimes of the FBI and the magistrates who signed the indictments were:
Misapplication of statutes.
18 USC 242
And so much more.
Is it scary for the FBI to bang on your door at 4 am?
Of course it is.
Keep yourself safe.
You get arrested.
But LEGALLY, they have no authority without your consent.
The BAR CARD did not give you a proper defense.
I tried to help many, but they're too afraid to fire the attorney.
The J6-ers should be hauling every actor involved into an Article III Federal Common Law Claim who were complicit in violating their rights for millions upon millions of dollars.
No, @JohnStrandUSA you don't have Constitutional rights as per your appearance on @RealAmVoice today.
You have Constitutional protections of your Bill of Rights.
The Constitution is the contract.
Words matter.
All your BAR CARD AGENTS OF THE STATE failed you.
You are innocent, of course.
People are like, "oh why are you attacking John Strand".
I'm not attacking him.
I'm trying to get him on track with his activism.
This is where the activism will result in justice for all.
Get to the root cause.
The entire American Legal System is a fraud.
It's REPUGNANT to the Constitution.
Article III should be known, expressed, and visible to all.
This should not be a secret.
Upon graduation from law school, all they learned was statutes and procedures.
They don't know the law.
@BrandonStraka @WeThePeople021 @DougMackeyCase
We do our Inalienable Show to showcase how to exercise your rights.
This nonsense must end.
@OwenShroyer1776 @DewsNewz
@RepThomasMassie @BasedMikeLee
Gianna & Scott