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Who Wants to Be Tax Free on Amazon? 🙋

Have you ever stopped to think about why you're paying sales tax?

For many, it feels like an unwavering rule of life.

Society often pushes us to accept this as the norm without a second thought.

But what if I told you there’s a different path?

A path that can lead you to financial freedom and personal empowerment.

Wide angle view of a serene park symbolizing freedom

Do you ever question how you are able to BE taxed?


Status quo.


Well it's time you start questioning EVERYTHING.

It's time you start learning about "slush funds".

It's time you start learning about "double books".

100 years or so ago, none of this government fockery existed.

It's been the slow boil of the frog in the water.


The truth gets buried more and more and then somewhere in the last century, the information flipped that you WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT.


They work for us!

We created THEM to serve US!

It says "the consent of the governed" in the Declaration of Independence.


Don't you want to live free as the God of Heaven intended?

How about you start with one small simple step.

Being tax free on Amazon.

Raise your hand if you do!

Watch this video clip!

You have a right to self-determination.

You have right to not be unpaid employees of the corporations claiming to be government.

I'm going easy on you today with the freedom lesson. 🤣

Follow me to freedom.

Join the University!

Eye-level view of an Amazon warehouse illustrating opportunity
An Amazon warehouse showcasing the vast opportunities for sellers.

Your Next Steps Toward Tax Freedom

It’s time to break the chains of financial ignorance and take on the challenges and opportunities that come with self-determination.

Becoming tax-free on Amazon isn't a distant dream; for many, it's already a reality for the members of the Inalienable University.

Raise your hand if you're ready to learn more! 👋

Take the challenge, seize the opportunity, and forge your path to a tax-free life on Amazon. Your adventure has never been more attainable—let's get started!

Gianna & Scott

1 komentarz

Jeffrey Lightbourn
21 sty

Super! Try SCOTUS case Zachary Moore V. Alliant Credit Union. I think if you haven't heard of it already, it may pique your interest.

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